Did you know the NHS community spend for foam silicone dressings is over £38m1 and the Kliniderm foam silicone dressing range can save over £11m1,2?
We are delighted to announce significant savings on the Kliniderm foam silicone dressing range on DT from 1st June 2021.
The brand growth and our new operating structure as a Mediq company has led to cost efficiencies which we can pass over to you!
Kliniderm is a trusted leading brand with proven quality and clinical effectiveness: over 22.5m dressings sold with a customer satisfaction of 99.999%3.
For more information on how you can save money on the Kliniderm range contact marketing@hrhealthcare.co.uk
1. Drug Tariff prices correct from June 2021. 2. IQVIA MAT foam silicone analysis 03-21 3. Data on file – UK only. KLIN10. Products include Kliniderm foam silicone, Kliniderm superabsorbent and Kliniderm silicone wound contact layer.